Yes I am one of those annoying people who loves Christmas. I love shopping for gifts, decorating, wrapping, writing cards and everything. I am officially weird.
My last six Christmas's have been spent in the Gulf Of Carpentaria and have been great but this will be the first Christmas in about 6 years that I have spent with my mum and brothers. It will also be my FIRST ever Christmas spent with Dean. I am really looking forward to it and went overboard as usual. I also found out on Monday that Tony, Mum and Dean WILL be home for Christmas. I will explain the situation a little more for those who don't know it. Dean, Mum and my hubby are all away in N.S.W working on the construction of a wind farm near Goulbourn. Dean and Tony rotate on the same roster they work 4 weeks on and 1 week off, having a day off mid shift. Dean, Tony and mum were all due to fly back to N.S.W on Christmas eve. So to have our family Christmas we were just going to have it a few days early. However on Monday we found out they do not have to return until Boxing Day. HOORAY for us!!
We moved to Jamestown in June and in July Big W had a HUGE toy sale, so I did what any anal planner would do. I got in the car, drove to Port Augusta (were our nearest Big W is) and put all the goodies I wanted on Lay-by. I have been making regular payments and this Saturday just gone mum and Dean had the kids for the day and Tony and I drove over to Port Augusta with the trailer in-tow to collect the lay-by. I said earlier I did go overboard, but I do have a reason for it. Last year "Santa" bought my girls a trampoline for Christmas, but when we moved from QLD to S.A we did not have enough room for it and sold it. We did have full intention of replacing it however when we came across the Swing sets in the Big W catalogue we spend a little extra than planned to get it instead of a replacement trampoline. I was sure they would get more fun from a swing set anyway.
I have no idea why the picture is turned it isn't on my computer but for some reason when i uploaded it, it turned and I have no idea how to change it. I have decided not to put the slide on until the girls are bigger, I think this could cause injuries because they are only 2 and 1 and have not perfected the art of climbing yet. Those who know my girls know they are good at it, but they aren't perfect.
Here are all the presents waiting to be wrapped, there are gifts here for my nephews as well as the girls. All that is left to do now is wrap the presents and double check the battery situation. There is nothing worse than opening a toy that does not include batteries. I am sure these toys however will get pushed aside once the swing set is discovered.
I have also decorated the back patio, it is hard to see but there is Christmas lights everywhere!! Bring on Christmas and the heat!! I'm sick of being cold!!
Merry Christmas Everyone
Bye For now and Happy Blogging
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