Saturday, September 27, 2008

Tony and the Tattoo

Hi All
My husband is officially hopeless. He is in Canberra away working on another wind farm and doesn't really like being away from us, or so he says.
In the last couple of months my husband has been VERY spoilt, and being away in Canberra has not helped his habits without me there to supervise him.

His latest purchases are listed below.

Fathers Day: $300 Hoist. Excuse: I need it to get the welder off the back of the Ute, it has been there since we have moved to S.A and it is costing me heaps in fuel carting such a heavy object around all the time. (Wife agrees, then drove to Adelaide to pick it up. Before he went away)
First year Anniversary: $280 Flying lessons (Gift from Wife)
Springs for car: $900 Safety Issue (Wife agrees, ordered, VISA'ED, Had another day hubby less while he fitted them.)
Fishing Rod: $100 I am in Canberra and need something to do on my afternoon off. (Wife didn't know until a week after purchase.) Wife wonders what is wrong with the 3 fishing rods you already own? He Forget them!!
Glasses $450 He really needed these they shouldn't be counted.!!
New Tattoo $250 The phone call went a little like this.

Him: Hi

Me: Hey what you up to?

Him: Just waiting for the optometrist to open

Me: Oh OK, so you got an appointment then?

Him: No not yet I am waiting till they open.

Me: Oh so you didn't call?

Him: No I am waiting till they open.

(this went on for a while I couldn't understand why he didn't call a few days prior to his day off and arrange an appointment.)

Me: OK then no worries, good luck call me after.

3 Hours later another call comes in from him.

Him: Hi

Me: How did you go?

Him: Oh my appointment isn't for another half an hour.

Me: See I told you to call.

Him: Never mind I just window shopped. Liked some of the rings and things I saw in the Jewellers.

Me: Really? and..........

Him: You would like them, they were nice.

Me: Oh OK I guess I had better let you go if you have to go to the eye docs.

Him: I was just ringing to ask you if I could get another tattoo? I want to get the girls names tattooed on my arm.

Me: Can you wait a few more weeks I want to build the savings up again, wait till pay day.

Him: Oh please it is only $250.

Me: Oh really, do you have to now, can't you wait.

Him: Well no I can't wait.

Me: The tattoo shop is not going anywhere.

Him: I can't wait I sorta all ready got it, while I was waiting for my appointment with the optometrist.

Me: WHAT!!!! What would you have done, if I had of said no?

Him: I just would not have told you.

Obviously the conversation didn't end there but you get it!! My husband is officially an IDIOT!!! He sent me some pics via his phone and I do like it but that is not the point. I will share them all with you once he is home and I can take some cool ones with the camera. I can't get the others off the phone for some odd reason. I told him that night when he called he owed me BIG TIME!! I need a bit of spoiling and he said "Oh don't worry I got you another Jewellery box." Your all probably thinking Oh how nice but That is the 3rd one he has bought me in 6 years, don't you think he could start buying me jewellery to put in them?? I WANT DIAMONDS!!!! Men!!!!

Bye for now and Happy Blogging.