Thursday, August 28, 2008


Hi All
Just thought I would share some photo's with you. Mickalee had occasional care today and she was in a good mood this morning so I was able to try something new with her hair. She sat quietly and watched Dora, while I tied and brushed. She loved it that much I have had no luck getting her to let me take it out yet. I was also busy shopping and banking this morning so Brandy and I didn't get to do an activity alone so I bought the girls some scribble mats today and we drew on them this afternoon after their naps. These mats are great, normal place mats you colour in your self 4 crayons are even included in the pack. You can them wipe them down and they are like new again. so they will provide hours of fun.

Too Cute!! Even if I do say so myself. This kept Brandy occupied for about 5 minutes, she had more fun throwing the crayons away and laughing when I picked them up and gave them too her. OK she wasn't colouring but she had fun just the same.
This is the ABC mat, I got a dinosaur one too but for some reason the photo won't load. Oh well!!
Bye for now and Happy blogging


Missy said...

Her hair looks beautiful! I want those mats!!

t said...

Great idea...a little secret: I think I come on your blog not just to read but to look at those CUTE LITTLE FACES in your header!! :)